I have Windows 10 installed on my computer and Elasticsearch/Kibana running in docker container.
I am trying to redirect logs generated by my application to Elasticsearch using Fluentd. Here is td-agent.conf file:
@type tail
path C:/Projects/log.json
pos_file C:/Projects/log.json.pos
tag *
format json
time_key @timestamp
<match **>
@type elasticsearch
logstash_format false
host localhost
port 9200
index_name appname-api-*
type_name fluentd
flush_interval 1s
Here is part from appsettings where I specified that I want json-file in elasticsearch format:
"Name": "File",
"Args": {
"path": "c:/Projects/log.json",
"formatter": "Serilog.Formatting.Elasticsearch.ElasticsearchJsonFormatter, Serilog.Formatting.Elasticsearch"
Here is a line from log file:
{"@timestamp":"2021-10-22T11:13:39.4325643+03:00","level":"Information","messageTemplate":"Now listening on: {address}","message":"Now listening on: \"http://localhost:5001\"","fields":{"address":"http://localhost:5001","SourceContext":"Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime","MachineName":"MACHINENAME"}}
But it is not working. I suspect my td-agent.conf. Could you please provide me with some example?
Or maybe it is easier to switch to Filebeat or something else?
Got it! Here is correct td-agent.conf
log_level debug
@type tail
path C:/Projects/log.json
pos_file C:/Projects/log.json.pos
tag log_test
emit_unmatched_lines true
@type json
<match log_test>
@type elasticsearch
host localhost
port 9200
index_name appname-api-2021-10
type_name _doc
flush_interval 1s