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How to disable Gameobjects for Screenshot capturing in Unity on Android?

I have a simple goal for my Unity application running on Android: create a function, which disables my GUI, creates a screenshot, stores the image and enables the GUI again.

This is my current code:

The whole UI is stored in a GameObject which my handler class holds as property:

private bool makeScreenshotFlag;
public GameObject UserInterface;

makeScreenshotFlag above is used in the Update function:

// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
    if (makeScreenshotFlag)
        // Working with this flag is necessary, 
        // since we need to wait for the next frame, 
        // where the gui is not visible;

If the corresponding button gets pressed I fire the following Method:

public void OnCreateScreenshotButtonPressed()
    makeScreenshotFlag = true;

And at last the method for the screenshot itself:

private void MakeScreenShot()
    if (UserInterface.activeSelf) return; // wait for the next frame if the gui is still active

        string filename = "screenshot_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("HH-mm-ss--dd-MM-yyyy") + ".png";
    catch (Exception e)
        DebugHelper.NewLog = "Error capturing screenshot: " + e.Message;
        makeScreenshotFlag = false;

In theory this should work, however the documentation for ScreenCapture.CaptureScreenshot() states the following:

The CaptureScreenshot returns immediately on Android. The screen capture continues in the background. The resulting screen shot is saved in the file system after a few seconds.

In practice this means, when my screenshot is made, the GUI is already enabled again. So far I couldn't find any event or similar to get notified as soon as the screenshot is made. The only thing I can think of is to store the screenshot filename and check if the file exists each frame after the screenshot is started.

Is there any other, more practical way?


  • Most probably, you are capturing the frame with UI itself. It's better to wait till the end of the frame using Coroutine.

    public IEnumerator MakeScreenShot()
        // Wait till the last possible moment before screen rendering to hide the UI
        yield return null;
        // Disable UI       
        // Wait for screen rendering to complete
        yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
        // Take screenshot
        // Show UI after we're done