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How can I group Javascript actions that force reflow?

I have a project which is responsible for managing the rendering of elements, but I'm running into a performance issue replacing elements and then focusing on whatever had focus before.

Below is a minimal example that replicates the performance issue:

const renderPage = () => {
  // get the old section element
  const oldSection = document.querySelector('section')

  // create a new section element (we'll replaceWith later)
  const newSection = document.createElement('section')
  // create the render button
  const newButton = document.createElement('button')
  newButton.innerHTML = 'Render Page'
  newButton.onclick = renderPage
  // create a bunch of elements
  const dummyDivs = [ Array(100000)].forEach(() => {
    const dummy = document.createElement('div')
    dummy.innerHTML = 'dummy'
  // replace the old page with the new one (causes forced reflow)
  // reattach focus on the button (causes forced reflow)

window.renderPage = renderPage
  <button onclick="renderPage()">Render</button>

When running this locally, I see the following in the performance report in Chrome/Edge Performance Report, forced reflow is highlighted under both a replaceWith and focus event

Both replaceWith and focus are triggering forced reflow. Is there a way to batch or group these actions so that only a single reflow occurs? I realize that there's no way to really get around this happening at all, but if I can batch them, I think that might improve my performance.


  • Indeed, focus always causes a reflow: What forces layout / reflow

    So what you may do, is to reduce the reflowtime by inserting the new button standalone, initiate focus and after that you can append other childs:

    Working example: Example

    const renderPage = () => {
      // get the old section element
      const oldSection = document.querySelector('section')
      // create a new section element (we'll replaceWith later)
      const newSection = document.createElement('section')
      // create the render button
      const newButton = document.createElement('button')
      newButton.innerHTML = 'Render Page'
      newButton.onclick = renderPage
      // create a bunch of elements
      const dummies = []; //  store in seperate array
      const dummyDivs = [ Array(100000)].forEach(() => {
        const dummy = document.createElement('div')
        dummy.innerHTML = 'dummy';
      //  insert new section only with new button
      newButton.focus(); // always causes reflow; but fast because it's only one element
      //  store all other nodes after focus
    window.renderPage = renderPage