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Parsing Through JSON Object From Retrofit Response

I'm pretty new to android dev and I first made a weather app that displays the horly forecast along with the current forecast. I wanted to add a button that allows the user to see the daily forecast but from the API call it looks like it returns a JSON object. I have been stuck on this for days and I have no idea what to do. enter image description here

        Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
        APICall apiCall = retrofit.create(APICall.class);
        Call<WeatherModel> call = apiCall.getHourAndAstroDetails(latlong, "7");
        call.enqueue(new Callback<WeatherModel>() {
            public void onResponse(Call<WeatherModel> call, Response<WeatherModel> response) {
                if (days == 1) {
                    weatherList = response.body().getForecast().getForecastday().get(0).getHour();
                    System.out.println("this is the size of weatherList" + weatherList.size());
                } else if (days == 7) {
                    dailyForcast = response.body().getForecast().getForecastday().get(0).getDay();

                String sunriseTime = response.body().getForecast().getForecastday().get(0).getAstro().getSunrise();
                String sunsetTime = response.body().getForecast().getForecastday().get(0).getAstro().getSunset();

            public void onFailure(Call<WeatherModel> call, Throwable t) {


  • I think you should create a model class for all the data that you are getting from the api, so you can work with data more easily.

    This article explains that,