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Material UI Divider Thickness

I'm looking for a solution to increase the Material UI Divider line thickness (stretching horizontal lines vertically or stretching vertical lines horizontally).

I've read the documentation of Material UI v5 at

According to the API, there isn't an attribute to modify the Divider "Thickness".

I've tried different implementations of inline styles (specific to Material UI v5):

<Divider sx={{height:"15px", fontSize:"50px", width:"50px", fontWeight:"bold", padding:"15px"}}/>

None of the mentioned attributes modified the "thickness" of the line.

I'm looking for a solution specific to the Material UI v5 Divider component. I don't want to create a Box component and then implement inline sx attributes or custom classes for that Box component.

Does anybody have any ideas?


  • You can change the CSS property border-bottom-width to modify the thiccness of the Divider:

    <Divider sx={{ borderBottomWidth: 5 }} />

    For vertical Divider:

    <Divider orientation="vertical" flexItem sx={{ borderRightWidth: 5 }} />

    styled() can also be used to create an enhanced version of Divider that supports a custom thiccness:

    const MyDivider = styled(Divider)(({ thiccness, orientation }) => ({
      ...(thiccness !== undefined &&
        (orientation === "vertical"
          ? { borderRightWidth: thiccness }
          : { borderBottomWidth: thiccness }))
    <MyDivider thiccness={10} />
    <MyDivider orientation="vertical" flexItem thiccness={10} />

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