I'm looking for a solution to increase the Material UI Divider
line thickness (stretching horizontal lines vertically or stretching vertical lines horizontally).
I've read the documentation of Material UI v5 at https://mui.com/material-ui/api/divider/.
According to the API, there isn't an attribute to modify the Divider "Thickness".
I've tried different implementations of inline styles (specific to Material UI v5):
<Divider sx={{height:"15px", fontSize:"50px", width:"50px", fontWeight:"bold", padding:"15px"}}/>
None of the mentioned attributes modified the "thickness" of the line.
I'm looking for a solution specific to the Material UI v5 Divider component. I don't want to create a Box component and then implement inline sx attributes or custom classes for that Box component.
Does anybody have any ideas?
You can change the CSS property border-bottom-width
to modify the thiccness of the Divider
<Divider sx={{ borderBottomWidth: 5 }} />
For vertical Divider
<Divider orientation="vertical" flexItem sx={{ borderRightWidth: 5 }} />
can also be used to create an enhanced version of Divider
that supports a custom thiccness:
const MyDivider = styled(Divider)(({ thiccness, orientation }) => ({
...(thiccness !== undefined &&
(orientation === "vertical"
? { borderRightWidth: thiccness }
: { borderBottomWidth: thiccness }))
<MyDivider thiccness={10} />
<MyDivider orientation="vertical" flexItem thiccness={10} />