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add a new break line in a string for every 4 index with some conditions in R

In a given string vector i am trying to add a break line("\n") at every character with some conditions(described below). the below string which i am passing


output expected:

"ABCD\n   //added new break line \n at fourth character which contained space
 CDEF\n   //after the fourth character is C, added a new break line \n
 -G LM\n  //started with hypen(-) continuing with the characters.


add a new break line i,e "\n" for every 4 characters position if and only based on the below logic
 if the character=""(blank) then
     add break to next line ("\n") at 4th character like above sample output(ABCD\n) reset 
     character continues
else then if character <> "" like (character including number or special character) then
    add break to next line("\n") at 4th character(CDEF\n) along with hypen(-) i,e C in 
    next line 

Hope I made my best to explain the problem. free to write if it is still not understood. Code I tried: I am new to the R world , this is the logic i tried. Please Help

c <- 4  //setting the position index
for (i in 1:nchar(d)){
    //print(substr(d, i,i))
    a<-substr(d, i,c) //get the 4th index
    if(a=""){   //if 4th character is blank
      d<-paste0(a,"\n")  //add a break new line (\n) 
    }else {  
      d<-paste0("-",a)   //if the character contains 4th is a character put that character in 
                           next line continue with -

I am unable return complete string with the breakline adding(\n for every 4th character) and -(if it contains as shown in the sample expected output)

I got the inspirations with the below link , but not able to crack up.

break lines of every string

Thanks in advance


  • With a loop

    dsp <- strsplit(d, '')[[1L]]
    step <- 5L
    pos <- 5L
    while (pos < length(dsp)) {
      if (dsp[pos] == " ") {
        dsp[[pos]] <- '\n'
      } else {
        dsp <- c(dsp[1L:(pos-1L)], "\n-", dsp[-(1:pos-1L)])
      pos <- pos + step
    cat(paste(dsp, collapse = ""))
    # ABCD
    # CDEF
    # -G LM
    # NOPQ
    # -RSTR


    To return as a column in data.frame (two options):

      x = strsplit(paste(dsp, collapse = ""), split = "\n")[[1]],
      y = strsplit(paste(dsp, collapse = ""), split = "(?<=\n)", perl = TRUE)[[1]]
    #       x       y
    # 1  ABCD  ABCD\n
    # 2  CDEF  CDEF\n
    # 3 -G LM -G LM\n
    # 4  NOPQ  NOPQ\n
    # 5 -RSTR   -RSTR