I am having issues returning a string instead of a function in an object value. Currently an arrow function returns an array of objects, and one of those needs to conditionally change a value based on the value passed in. Here's the code:
const requestOptions = () => [
id: 3,
label: (object: Object) => `${activeStatus(object)}`,
value: 'toggleActiveStatus',
The activeStatus method returns a string, but really struggling to get label to be assigned a string instead of type (validationRule: ValidationRule) => string. requestOptions gets invoked to return the options as prop for a component.
I have tried a number of variations of
label: (object: Object) => string = () => {
and invoking the function as an IIFE.
Any ideas on how I could get it to return the string itself, not the function? Thanks in advance!
If you want label
to be a string, then you can simply drop the anonymous function:
const requestOptions = () => [
id: 3,
label: `${activeStatus(object)}`,
value: 'toggleActiveStatus',