I have a function that takes a literal object as an input. as an outcome it should return 2 arrays of objects.
It is a recursive function so the return happens at n-th recursion cycle with the following data:
const filterObject = (object, array1 = null, array2 = null) => {
let a1 = array1 === null?[]: array1; //array1 is passed as a part of recursion and when recursed is not null
let a2 = array2 === null?[]: array2; //same here
//some filtering and object manipulation to create **composedObject**
if (condition x is met){
if( condition y is met ){
//filtering out parts of initial object that were used
//what is left is assembled into **untreatedObject**
if (there are still parts of the initial object that are left untreated){
filterObject(untreatedObject, a1, a2); //here recursion happens and we pass these arrays there as well as they will continue to be populated
else if (everything is filtered and objects are ready){
console.log(a1) //values are present and correct
console.log(a2) //values are present and correct
return { a: a1, b: a2};
a: 1,
b: 'skdfhkdj',
code :'red'
code :'redcwrg'
a: 1,
b: 'skdfhkdj',
code :'redaxac'
code :'reddd'
const result = filterObject(object, null,null);
console.log(result); //**gives undefined**.
When i try to call this function const result = filterObject(object, null,null)
(null,null here is the starting values for the arrays. they are assigned to [] in the beginning of the function and then when recursion happens they are sent too so that new arrays can be upserted)
and when i log it, the result is of type "undefined" and i am positive that the function does have the objects in array before return
So where can I be wrong?
Thanks in advance
One import thing is missing: your code does not return the object returned from a recursive call. It only has a return
for the base case. Your code doesn't perform the return of the other, recursive case.
So to put it clear, you need
return filterObject(untreatedObject, a1, a2);