My previous related question: How do I intercept sort function within a JS proxy?
Given the proxy:
function sort(customSort) {
/* Write logs */
console.log("Intercepted sort")
return this.sort(customSort);
function get( target, prop, receiver ) {
if (prop === 'sort') {
/* How to capture custom sort?*/
return sort.bind(target);
console.log("Intercepted get")
return Reflect.get( target, prop, receiver );
var handler = {
var proxy = new Proxy( new Array(...[7,1,2,3,4,5]), handler );
But now I add a custom sort function:
console.log(proxy.sort((a,b) => .... /* e.g., a-b */))
I cannot understand how to capture the function as to pass it to the proxy sort function. I've tried capturing different arguments in the get
function, but can't find the correct one.
The solution was similar to: How to sort only part of array? between given indexes
I return a function that accesses argument[0]
function sort(customSort) {
/* Write logs */
console.log("Intercepted sort")
return this.sort(customSort);
function get( target, prop, receiver ) {
if (prop === 'sort') {
/* How to capture custom sort?*/
return function(customSort) => {
return this.sort(customSort || ((a,b) => a-b) )
console.log("Intercepted get")
return Reflect.get( target, prop, receiver );