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Angular + Capacitor: Swift Compiler Warning and Capacitor Keyboard not working

Error Message

I have set up my Angular app as Android and right now im working on the iOS part. So far my App is working but the keyboard doesn't show.

My Pods are installed correctly running on version "1.11.2" I use Capacitor 3.2.4, cap/ios 3.2.4 and cap/keyboard 1.0.2

.../angular-mobile/node_modules/@capacitor/ios/Capacitor/Capacitor/Capacitor.h:15:1: Umbrella header for module 'Capacitor' does not include header 'CAPBridgeViewController+CDVScreenOrientationDelegate.h'


  • That's a harmless warning, but has been fixed, won't appear on next @capacitor/ios release.

    As you are testing on the simulator, make sure that Connect Hardware Keyboard is not checked on the simulator menu (I/O -> Keyboard -> Connect Hardware Keyboard)

    If it's checked the software keyboard doesn't appear because it expects you to type from the computer's keyboard.