I am trying to create singleton room database. I found 2 solutions but I don't know what's difference between them.
According to this document https://developer.android.com/codelabs/kotlin-android-training-room-database?hl=en&continue=https%3A%2F%2Fcodelabs.developers.google.com%2F%3Fcat%3Dandroid#5
companion object {
@Volatile private var INSTANCE:AppDatabase? = null
fun getInstance(context: Context):AppDatabase {
var instance = INSTANCE
if (instance == null){
instance = Room.databaseBuilder(context.applicationContext,AppDatabase::class.java,"user_table")
INSTANCE = instance
return instance
And this one according to Singleton class in Kotlin
companion object {
fun getInstance(context: Context):AppDatabase{
return Room.databaseBuilder(context.applicationContext,AppDatabase::class.java,"user_table")
I tried these and they all give me same instance. Is there any difference between them? In terms of performance or whatever
The differences is the first solution is multi-thread safe instantiation. These will help to prevent different thread re-instantiating your database instance
If you notice, there is @Volatile
and synchronized(this)
block there.
here helps to immediately made the changes to var INSTANCE:AppDatabase
visible to other threadssynchronized(this)
will ensure only one thread that accessing this blockFound several source explaining about multi-thread safe and race condition, and I think this one also found may be helpful to understand in what kind of condition that should using multi-thread safe way