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How to vectorize a function with multiple possible outputs in an R dataframe

I am trying to apply a function to a data.frame column in R that detects whether or not specific string values exist. There are various string patterns that each constitute their own categorization. The function should create a new column that provides said classification (dat$id_class) based off the string in the dat$id column.

I am relying on the stringr and dplyr packages to do this. Specifically, I'm using dplyr::mutate to apply the function.

This code runs & produces the exact results I'm looking for, but I'm looking for a faster solution (if one exists). This is obviously a small-scale example with a limited dataset, and this same approach on my very large dataset is taking much longer than desired.


dat <- data.frame(
            id = c(
                    sprintf("%s%s%s", stri_rand_strings(1000000, 5, '[A-Z]'),
                    stri_rand_strings(5, 4, '[0-9]'), stri_rand_strings(5, 1, '[A-Z]'))

classify <- function(x){
  if(any(stringr::str_detect(x,pattern = c('AA','BB')))){
  } else if (any(stringr::str_detect(x,pattern = c('AB','BA')))){
  } else {

dat <- dat %>% rowwise() %>% mutate(id_class = classify(id))

There's a great chance this has already been answered, and that I'm just not looking in the right place, but it's worth a shot.

Any assistance appreciated!


  • Use case_when which is vectorized and instead of doing rowwise with if/else change the pattern with OR (|)

     dat1 <- dat %>%
        mutate(id_class = case_when(str_detect(id, 'AA|BB') ~'class_1', 
                str_detect(id, 'AB|BA') ~ 'class_2', TRUE ~ 'class_3'))
    #  user  system elapsed 
    #  0.460   0.036   0.493 

    The timings based on OP's function

    system.time({dat2 <- dat %>%
                   rowwise() %>% 
                    mutate(id_class = classify(id))
    #  user  system elapsed 
    # 31.927   0.303  32.891 

    -checking the outputs

    > all.equal(dat1,, check.attributes = FALSE)
    [1] TRUE