I have a folder full of files and I want to get the timestamps of last git update for each of those files.
I'd like to get those in a Gradle task.
I tried the following with GrGit:
def git = org.ajoberstar.grgit.Grgit.open dir:project.rootDir
task showGit() {
doFirst {
file( "$project.rootDir/src/main/java/some/folder" ).listFiles().each{ f ->
git.log( includes:[ 'HEAD' ], paths:[ f.name ] ).each{
println "$f.name -> Author: $it.author.name - Date: ${it.date.format( 'dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm' )}"
but it prints nothing.
If I ommit the paths
like so:
task showGit() {
doFirst {
git.log( includes:[ 'HEAD' ] ).each{
println "Author: $it.author.name - Date: ${it.date.format( 'dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm' )}"
it prints all commit infos for the whole dir.
How to get the timestamps for each file?
It turns out it was fairly easy.
Inspired by How to get the last commit date for a bunch of files in Git? I put together my own GrGit task:
def git = org.ajoberstar.grgit.Grgit.open dir:project.rootDir
task lastGitUpdated() {
doFirst {
int base = project.rootDir.toURI().toString().size()
def dates = file( "$project.rootDir/src/main/java/some/dir" ).listFiles().collect{
git.log( includes:[ 'HEAD' ], paths:[ it.toURI().toString().substring( base ) ], maxCommits:1 )[ 0 ].date
and it works like a charm!
The only thing which is slightly dissappointing is, that the tasks on a dir with ~150 files takes ~2 mins to complete...