My goal is to recreate a plot in Excel in MATLAB. In excel, I have coded:
1/(1 + (SINH($B$4^(1/2)*(1 - C6)^(1/2)))^2/(4*C6*(1-C6)))
In the above, cell B4 has the value 10. C6 through C500 take values starting at 0 upto 5 in succession (so C6 would be 0, and C500 would be C6+0.01+0.01+0.01... = 5), with increments of 0.01.
In other words, the column 'C' runs from 0 to 5 in increments of 0.01 (which is the x axis of the plot). I then apply the above formula to column C to obtain the graph below.
Excel displays the following, which is correct:
However, attempting to recreate the same graph in MATLAB results in an empty plot (which I show after the code)
v = 10
x = [0:0.01:5]
plot(x, 1/(1 + (sinh(v^(1/2)*(1 - x).^(1/2))).^2/(4*x.*(1-x))), 'LineWidth', 2)
grid on
I have tried restarting my computer, restarting MATLAB to no avail. Thanks for your guidance!
You forgot two .
1./(1 + (sinh(v^(1/2)*(1 - x).^(1/2))).^2./(4*x.*(1-x)))
^ ^
I advise you to first evaluate the expression and store in a varable, then you can immediately see that without this dot you will a single value. Plotting a vector and a single value doesn't really produce anything usable, but also does not throw an error, so it's tricky to debug without having the variable in the workspace.