I use a GestureListener on an image to detect a Double Tap.
holder.image.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() {
public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
return holder.myDoubleTapDetector.onTouchEvent(event);
And I use the library Zoomy to make the images zoomable.
Zoomy.Builder builder = new Zoomy.Builder(mActivity).target(holder.image);
Both work perfectly fine for them alone.
But adding both at the same time does not work! Only the one that was added last works.
How can I have both of them working?
Zoomy provides a solution for that:
Because Zoomy works by attaching a View.OnTouchListener to the registered View, View.OnClickListener can not be set along with Zoomy, so a TapListener, LongPressListener and DoubleTapListener are provided to ensure the View still can listen for gestures. A ZoomListener is also provided if you are interested in zoom events.
In Code:
Zoomy.Builder builder = new Zoomy.Builder(this)
.tapListener(new TapListener() {
public void onTap(View v) {
//View tapped, do stuff
.longPressListener(new LongPressListener() {
public void onLongPress(View v) {
//View long pressed, do stuff
}).doubleTapListener(new DoubleTapListener() {
public void onDoubleTap(View v) {
//View double tapped, do stuff
.zoomListener(new ZoomListener() {
public void onViewStartedZooming(View view) {
//View started zooming
public void onViewEndedZooming(View view) {
//View ended zooming