I need to create a rule that will check if the list of facts I have entered matches the facts already given. Then the fact / facts corresponding to at least one of the entered ones are displayed.
this is what I have:
(deftemplate rule (multislot problem) (slot cause))
(deffacts info
(rule (problem one) (cause one1))
(rule (problem two) (cause two2))
(rule (problem three) (cause three3))
(defrule reading-input
(printout t "Enter your problems: " )
(assert (problem (read))))
(defrule checking-input
(problem $?problem)
(rule (problem $?problem1) (cause ?cause1))
(test (eq ?problem ?problem1))
(printout t "cause: " ?cause1 crlf))
how this should work:
CLIPS> Enter your problems: one two
CLIPS> cause: one1
cause: two2
Using the read function will retrieve just one value from your input. You need to use the readline function in conjunction with the explode$ function:
CLIPS (6.4 2/9/21)
CLIPS> (assert (problem (read)))
one two
CLIPS> (assert (problem (readline)))
one two
CLIPS> (assert (problem (explode$ (readline))))
one two
CLIPS> (facts)
f-1 (problem one)
f-2 (problem "one two")
f-3 (problem one two)
For a total of 3 facts.
You can then use multifield wildcards to isolate individual problems within your rule:
CLIPS> (clear)
(deftemplate rule
(multislot problem)
(slot cause))
(deffacts info
(rule (problem one) (cause one1))
(rule (problem two four) (cause two2))
(rule (problem one three five) (cause three3)))
(defrule reading-input
(printout t "Enter your problems: " )
(assert (problem (explode$ (readline)))))
(defrule checking-input
(problem $? ?problem $?)
(rule (problem $? ?problem $?) (cause ?cause))
(printout t "Problem: " ?problem " cause: " ?cause crlf))
CLIPS> (reset)
CLIPS> (run)
Enter your problems: one two
Problem: one cause: three3
Problem: one cause: one1
Problem: two cause: two2