I am passing props to a component that correctly receives its value but become undefined.
const ImageView = () => {
const { image } = useMedia();
return image.map(img => (
<Drag key={img.id} mediaId={img.id} pos={{x: img.x, y: img.y}} >
<img src={backFiles + img.link} alt="" />
The Drag component is doing that:
const Drag = ({children, mediaId, pos}) => {
return (
When I console.log pos look what happens:
Here is the content of the image.
Console logging mediaId reproduces the same error.
Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
ImageView component should return a component, it currently returns an array instead.
Change ImageView to the following:
const ImageView = () => {
const { image } = useMedia();
return (
{image.map((img) => (
<Drag key={img.id} mediaId={img.id} pos={{ x: img.x, y: img.y }}>
<img src={backFiles + img.link} alt="" />