I created a new spring boot project using the IntelliJ Idea's spring initializer and checked the Web/Spring reactive Web
and the SQL/Spring data R2DBC
I also added the the dependency to the R2DBC implementation for MySQL
and the java connector
Asking the version of the MySQL server from a console with
select version();
I get
The connection factory configuration is like this:
public class R2dbcConfig extends AbstractR2dbcConfiguration {
public ConnectionFactory connectionFactory() {
ConnectionFactoryOptions conf = ConnectionFactoryOptions.builder()
.option(DRIVER, "mysql")
.option(HOST, "the.db.url")
.option(PORT, 33066612)
.option(USER, "myUserName")
.option(PASSWORD, "myPassword")
.option(DATABASE, "aDbName")
return ConnectionFactories.find(conf);
Nevertheless, when I run the application I get the following exception
reactor.core.Exceptions$ErrorCallbackNotImplemented: org.springframework.dao.DataAccessResourceFailureException: Failed to obtain R2DBC Connection; nested exception is io.r2dbc.spi.R2dbcNonTransientResourceException: [1193] Unknown system variable 'tx_isolation'
Caused by: org.springframework.dao.DataAccessResourceFailureException: Failed to obtain R2DBC Connection; nested exception is io.r2dbc.spi.R2dbcNonTransientResourceException: [1193] Unknown system variable 'tx_isolation'
Answers to similar questions instructed the asker to update the version of the mysql:mysql-connector-java
to 8.+
, and according to IntelliJ the versión resolved by maven is 8.0.26
Curiously, if I remove the connector dependency the result is exactly the same.
So, I debbuged the R2DBC implementation to find out what is happening and I discovered that during the handshake, the dev.miku.r2dbc.mysq.QueryFlow#initHandshake
method receives a HandshakeRequest
message whose headers tell that the server version is "5.5.30". And that causes the R2DBC implementation to use the old "tx_isolation" system variable name instead of the new "transaction_isolation".
Why? What am I missing?
https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/mysql-nutshell.html says:
system variables have been removed. Usetransaction_isolation
You checked and discovered the server version is 8.0.17. This is more authoritative than the handshake headers message.
I recommend searching your classpath for any leftover jar files with old versions of the connector. You may have both version 8.0.26 of the connector and an older version that hasn't been updated to use the new option names.