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Email protocol, mail server change and using another protocol from exist hosting

I have a domain which name is

Then, I've purchased a hosting for host website and connect this domain to hosting with cpanel by nameserver change.

I've create an email with this domain from Cpanel i.e.

Hosting provider told me that, my email has a limit for sending or receiving up to (25-30) email per hour.

But, if i will need to send/receive more than email from limitation how can I do this?

I think it's using my hosting server protocol for using mail email service.

Is it possible using another service provider protocol for using more than email from hosting server protocol?

Is it possible to use gmail server without purchase google cloude?

Is it possible, my domain will host in my exist hosting (Cpanel) and mail protocol using another service provider i.e. google, godaddy, aws or any service provider? If possible how?


  • Yes, you can use different service providers for incoming emails and for outgoing emails. In particular, you can use several email service providers for outgoing emails.

    The "how" depends on what you want to do. I recently wrote a lengthy article on email. You find answers to all protocol-related questions there. The sections about email's architecture and its entities might be especially interesting to you.