Code like this:
var compIds = from p in packinglist.List
select p.ComponentId;
var components = from c in context.Components
where compIds.Contains(c.Id)
select c;
foreach (var item in components)
item.CurrentSiteId = packinglist.DestinationId;
Ends up issuing lots of SQL Statements like
update [dbo].[Components] set [CurrentSiteId] = @0 where ([Id] = @1)
Is there a way to instruct EF (Code First) to issue the following statement:
update [dbo].[Components] set [CurrentSiteId] = @0 where ([Id] in (....))
Or should I look into using the one of the SQLQuery methods available, or a seperate tool like Dapper or massive or ...?
There is not currently a way to perform bulk updates in EF 4 out of the box. There are some very long, complicated work arounds that end up generating SQL though. I suggest using a stored procedure or T-SQL. Here's a quick T-SQL snippet that I've used in the past:
using (var context = new YourEntities())
@"UPDATE Components SET CurrentSiteId = 1 WHERE ID IN(1,2,3,4)");