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LOOKUP a key range in another key range to get ALL corresponding values, instead of just the first

I want to get ALL the data in Range1 corresponding to the keys in Range2. (shown as below)

But my formula cannot show the data properly:

=ARRAYFORMULA(TRANSPOSE(QUERY(Range1,"select Col2 where Col1 contains '"&A1:A&"'",0)))

Anyone could help to tell me the problem in my formula?


Type Desc
beverage coke
food cookies
food bread
beverage beer
beverage coffee
food chips

Range2 (ideal results)

ColA(pre-set) ColB(arrayformula in B1) ColC ColD
food cookies bread chips
beverage coke beer coffee
food cookies bread chips
food cookies bread chips
beverage coke beer coffee
beverage coke beer coffee

My exist result

ColA(pre-set) ColB(arrayformula in B1) ColC ColD
food cookies bread chips
beverage (cannot generate the output)


  • Assuming your source data in columns A and B, and the max column width of the expected resut is 4, try:

    =arrayformula(if(len(A2:A), vlookup(A2:A, regexreplace({unique(A2:A),  split(trim(transpose(query(if((transpose(unique(A2:A))=A2:A)*len(A2:A),B2:B&",",),,50000))), ",")}, ",$", ), {1, 2, 3, 4}, 0),))

    and see if that helps?

    enter image description here