I am using Modal Component in Chakra UI to show Input editor post (Input editor is a children component wrapped by Modal component). I want to trigger close modal from Input editor component if data was fetched as succeed.
Here's my component for Modal:
//...import component from Chakra Modal
import {Post as PostModal} from '../components/Modal'
export const Post = () => {
const { isOpen, onOpen, onClose } = useDisclosure()
return (
<Modal onClose={onClose} size='full' isOpen={isOpen} trapFocus={false} >
<ModalOverlay />
<ModalHeader>Add Post</ModalHeader>
<ModalCloseButton />
<PostModal />
And my code handle fetcher post data:
const fetcher = async (data) => {
const _ = await sendPost(data);
if (_) {
//here i want to trigger close modal
const PostInput = () => {
return (
//<Textarea> etc...
Who can help me please?
You can call the onClose
function once the API call is successful , as:
const fetcher = async (data) => {
let res = await sendPost(data);
if (res.data) {