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Helm create secret from env file

Kubectl provides a nice way to convert environment variable files into secrets using:

$ kubectl create secret generic my-env-list --from-env-file=envfile

Is there any way to achieve this in Helm? I tried the below snippet but the result was quite different:

kind: Secret
  name: my-env-list
  {{ .Files.Get "envfile" | b64enc }}


  • It appears kubectl just does the simple thing and only splits on a single = character so the Helm way would be to replicate that behavior (helm has regexSplit which will suffice for our purposes):

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      {{ range .Files.Lines "envfile" }}
      {{   if . }}
      {{     $parts := regexSplit "=" . 2 }}
      {{     index $parts 0  }}: {{ index $parts 1 | b64enc }}
      {{   end }}
      {{ end }}

    that {{ if . }} is because .Files.Lines returned an empty string which of course doesn't comply with the pattern

    Be aware that kubectl's version accepts barewords looked up from the environment which helm has no support for doing, so if your envfile is formatted like that, this specific implementation will fail