I am trying to create my first function or procedure in VBA. Basic types which I use in the code:
count As Integer
positiveColumnsColors(2) As Long ' decimal values from Hex
negativeColumnsColors(1) As Long
excludeColumnsColors(1) As Long
zeroTop As Integer ' position of zero, the Top property of zero rectangle
dataWidth As Integer
negativeDataHeight As Integer
positiveDataFound As Boolean
negativeDataFound As Boolean
End Type
' All is on horizontal axis except negativeValueY
Xmin As Integer ' (Left) actually
Xmid As Integer ' middle position
Xmax As Integer ' Left + Column width
Xgap As Integer ' Gap between column rectangles
Xpitch As Integer ' Gap between colRanges()(1).mid and colRanges()(2).mid
negativeValueY As Integer ' Top+Height
Q1Y As Integer
Q2Y As Integer ' position of median
Q3Y As Integer
End Type
What I have currently is not a function but procedure:
Sub SetColumnRanges(Sh As Shape, i As Integer)
colRanges(0).Width = 0
End Sub
But best would be if it would return variable 'passed boolean'
My code starts like this (shorted version):
Sub LookForAxis()
Dim colRanges() As T_COLUMN_RANGES
Dim i As Integer
Dim Sh As Shape
Dim passed As Boolean
ReDim colRanges(1 To 1) As T_COLUMN_RANGES
colRanges(1).initiated = 0
With ActiveWindow.Selection
If (.Type = ppSelectionShapes) And (.ShapeRange.Type = msoGroup) Then
For Each Sh In .ShapeRange.GroupItems
If (Sh.Name Like "Rec*") Then
For i = 1 To dataInfo.count
If Not passed Then ' If the array ...
' code skipped
' HERE I TRY TO CALL THE PROCEDURE OR FUNCTION... best if passed is returned for function:
SetColumnRanges Sh, i
Now the code to be placed in the function:
If Sh.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = dataInfo.positiveColumnsColors(1) Then
colRanges(i).initiated = colRanges(i).initiated Or columns_initiated_positive
If colRanges(i).Q1Y = 0 Then
colRanges(i).Q3Y = 0
colRanges(i).Q2Y = Sh.Top
colRanges(i).Q1Y = (Sh.Top + Sh.Height) * -1
ElseIf colRanges(i).Q1Y < 0 Then
If colRanges(i).Q1Y * -1 < Sh.Top + Sh.Height Then
tempInt = colRanges(i).Q2Y * -1
colRanges(i).Q3Y = colRanges(i).Q2Y ' Make the old value positive
colRanges(i).Q2Y = tempInt ' Make the old value positive
colRanges(i).Q1Y = Sh.Top + Sh.Height
' Sh.Name = "Q3"
colRanges(i).Q3Y = Sh.Top + Sh.Height
colRanges(i).Q1Y = colRanges(i).Q1Y * -1 ' Make the old value positive
End If
End If
ElseIf Sh.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = dataInfo.negativeColumnsColors(1) Then
' Sh.Name = "Negative"
colRanges(i).initiated = colRanges(i).initiated Or columns_initiated_negative
End If
So colRanges
and SH
should be used in the function.
Error I get is:
Byref argument type mismatch
What am I doing wrong and how to fix it correctly?
you question format is a bit messed up which makes it complicated to read so if you can update it I could be more precise but calling a function works like this:
Sub test()
MsgBox test2("hi")
Dim var As String
var = test2("hi")
MsgBox var
End Sub
Function test2(var As String) As Boolean
test2 = True
End Function
you must make sure the type of the vars you are passing to your function are of the same type as the ones declared in your function (e.g. passing "hi" to "string" is ok but this would not work if var would be of type long in the function.
at the end of your function you send the result back by using the function name => "Test2 = output of your function you want to send back".