In our project, we append the branch name when we build, unless it's master. And we tag them with the build_id and "latest". This is what we want.
- myapp:latest
- myapp:1
- myapp:2
- myapp:3
- myapp-branch-x:latest
- myapp-branch-x:1
- myapp-branch-x:2
- myapp-branch-x:3
- myapp-branch-y:latest
- myapp-branch-y:1
- myapp-branch-y:2
- myapp-branch-y:3
In order to achieve this, we are building twice when it's on the master branc. I think it's weird. How can we avoid that?
pipeline {
environment {
dockerCredentials = 'myapp-dockerhub'
dockerRegistryUrl = ''
imageName = ""
build_id = "${BUILD_ID}"
branch_name = "${BRANCH_NAME.toLowerCase().replace('-$', '')}"
app = ''
agent any
stages {
stage('Build') {
steps {
script {
app = + '-' + branch_name)
withDockerRegistry(credentialsId: dockerCredentials, url: dockerRegistryUrl) {
stage('Build-Master') {
when {
branch 'master'
steps {
script {
app =
withDockerRegistry(credentialsId: dockerCredentials, url: dockerRegistryUrl) {
Currently the first stage executes for all situations, and the second stage executes only on the master
branch according to the when
expression when { branch 'master' }
. You can add a when
expression to the first stage to only build non-master branches. Then the master
branch will not execute for both stages:
stage('Build') {
when { not { branch 'master' } }
You can check the when expression documentation for more information.