I need some help looping. I have not used VBA for sometime and starting to learn again. I remember this community helped me a lot in the past so any help is appreciated.
The Challenge
I want to copy cell H12 into the next empty column starting with i12 then J12 and so forth. So I want to continue the loop until the the number of pasted arrays equal the number in cell D12. So if Cell D12 = 20 I want to continue this loop copying H12 until I get to AB12.
Then once this is complete I want to move to the next row H13 and do the same thing. In this case D13 = 15 so we do the same as above copying H13 until we get to R13.
Any help is really appreciated. I have tried some loops for other things which have not worked out.
Under the assumption, that your selected cell is H12 and the cells right of it are empty and D12 is filled with a positive numeric value, the following code should work:
Sub CopyToRange()
Dim ThisCol As Integer, ThisRow As Long, CurS As Worksheet, CurRg As Range, InfCol As Integer
Set CurS = ActiveSheet
ThisRow = ActiveCell.Row
ThisCol = ActiveCell.Column
InfCol = 4 'column 'D'
Set CurRg = Range(CurS.Cells(ThisRow, ThisCol + 1), CurS.Cells(ThisRow, ThisCol + CurS.Cells(ThisRow, InfCol).Value))
CurRg.PasteSpecial (xlPasteAll)
End Sub
If you select the next row with the same preconditions it will work as well