When I try to add more than 3 SERIES in a LINE or SCATTER chart, an exception occurs:
In Google Chrome:
Uncaught TypeError: Property 'undefined' of object [object Object] is not a function
In Firefox:
Ext.chart.Shape[type] is not a function [Stop this error] }, attr));
This was identified by ExtJS Support as a bug: http://www.sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?140932-How-to-add-more-than-3-SERIES-in-a-LINE-or-SCATTER-chart
Below follow the code:
Ext.define('AM.view.user.ScatterGraphic', {
extend : 'Ext.chart.Chart',
alias : 'widget.scatterGraphic',
title : 'All Users',
animate : true,
renderTo : Ext.getBody(),
theme : 'Category2',
axes : [ {
type : 'Numeric',
position : 'bottom',
fields : [ 'data1', 'data2', 'data3', 'data4', 'data5' ],
title : 'Sample Values',
grid : true,
minimum : 0
}, {
type : 'Category',
position : 'left',
fields : [ 'name' ],
title : 'Sample Metrics'
} ],
series : [{
type : 'scatter',
axis: true,
markerConfig : {
radius : 5,
size : 5
axis : 'left',
xField : 'name',
yField : 'data1'
}, {
type : 'scatter',
axis: true,
markerConfig : {
radius : 5,
size : 5
axis : 'left',
xField : 'name',
yField : 'data2'
}, {
type : 'scatter',
axis: true,
markerConfig : {
radius : 5,
size : 5
axis : 'left',
xField : 'name',
yField : 'data3'
type : 'scatter',
axis: true,
markerConfig : {
radius : 5,
size : 5
axis : 'left',
xField : 'name',
yField : 'data4'
initComponent : function() {
this.store = {
fields : [ 'name', 'data1', 'data2', 'data3', 'data4', 'data5' ],
data : [ {
'name' : 'metric one',
'data1' : 10,
'data2' : 12,
'data3' : 14,
'data4' : 8,
'data5' : 13
}, {
'name' : 'metric two',
'data1' : 7,
'data2' : 8,
'data3' : 16,
'data4' : 10,
'data5' : 3
}, {
'name' : 'metric three',
'data1' : 5,
'data2' : 2,
'data3' : 14,
'data4' : 12,
'data5' : 7
}, {
'name' : 'metric four',
'data1' : 2,
'data2' : 14,
'data3' : 6,
'data4' : 1,
'data5' : 23
}, {
'name' : 'metric five',
'data1' : 27,
'data2' : 38,
'data3' : 36,
'data4' : 13,
'data5' : 33
} ]
By the way, anybody have an idea of what can be done to create something like that?
This problem is caused when I leave to ExtJS the automatic choice of markers. If I setup a marker for each serie in the chart, the problem does not happen. That's it! :)