I have 2 separate apps (in one project) that require 2 separate builds (sencha cmd). I have been asked to create a gradle script that will do the builds for both apps.
I created a task that builds one app, but am having troubles using the same task to build the 2nd app.
This is what I have so far:
task senchaCmdBuild (type: Exec) {
workingDir 'src/main/app/MYAPP'
commandLine 'cmd', 'c', 'sencha app build'
and this works fine.
When I add the following 2 lines to above task:
workingDir 'src/main/app/MYOTHERAPP'
commandLine 'cmd', 'c', 'sencha app build'
the first command is ignored and only the second command executes.
So is there anyway I can execute both commands with one task?
You can use the second way to declare task types on gradle.
task senchaCmdBuild {
doLast {
exec {
workingDir 'src/main/app/MYAPP'
commandLine 'cmd', 'c', 'sencha app build'
exec {
workingDir 'src/main/app/MYOTHERAPP'
commandLine 'cmd', 'c', 'sencha app build'
You need to put the exec method in doLast in order to be executed only on execution flow