I have decompiled a very simple class that uses the new Java 7 String Switch feature.
The class:
public class StringSwitch {
public static void main(String[] args) {
final String color = "red";
switch (color) {
case "red":
System.out.println("IS RED!");
case "black":
System.out.println("IS BLACK");
case "blue":
System.out.println("IS BLUE");
case "green":
System.out.println("IS GREEN");
Running the Java 7 "javap" against this class, generates an interesting set of instructions (the complete disassembled code is available here):
public static void main(java.lang.String[]);
stack=2, locals=4, args_size=1
12: lookupswitch { // 4
112785: 56
3027034: 84
93818879: 70
98619139: 98
default: 109
56: aload_2
57: ldc #2 // String red
110: tableswitch { // 0 to 3
0: 140
1: 151
2: 162
3: 173
default: 181
140: getstatic #8 // Field java/lang/System.out:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
143: ldc #9 // String IS RED!
181: return
The "LOOKUPSWITCH" is an instruction used when the switch case is sparse and can replace the TABLESWITCH, that is the default instruction for "switch" statements.
So, the question is, why are we seeing a "LOOKUPSWITCH" followed by a "TABLESWITCH"?
Thanks Luciano
With strings in switch finding the correct case statement is a 2 step process.
Also note that it is useful to specify which compiler you used - javac or ECJ (Eclipse compiler for java). Both compilers may generate the bytecode differently.