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How to measure high-resolution keypress time in C++?

I have a Millikey Response Box with a 1 000 Hz sampling rate and a light sensor with a 10 000 Hz sampling rate. I would like to measure end-to-end response time from the moment of a button press to a change on the screen triggered by the button press in my C++ program. I'm struggling to understand how to do it.

My idea was that, ideally, I would have the button press create a keypress event that holds a timestamp of when it was created at a 1 000 Hz sampling rate. My C++ program would handle this event at its own frequency by recording the high-frequency timestamp and triggering the brightness change on the screen. Next, the light sensor would pick up the change and generate its own keypress event at a sampling rate of 10 000 Hz. At the next cycle, my C++ program would pick up this event and get the actual end-to-end time by comparing the two high-resolution timestamps.

Is this idea sensible? If yes, how can I implement it?

So far I used GLFW to capture keyboard events and to get the timestamp in the key callback, but as far as I understand, that is not exactly the time when the key was pressed.


  • The answer for me was to use LabStreamingLayer. I use App-Input to capture keyboard events, LabRecorder to capture the stream of these events, and then Python importer to parse the resulting XDF file. All the above runs and captures events in the background while the keypress triggers the screen change in my C++ program which is detected by the light sensor.

    I'm sure that the other answers and comments make good suggestions for when one would want to implement this on a low level themselves. My question was also not refined since my understanding was limited, so thank you for the contribution anyway!