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Embedding VLC player in WInform Application in .Net Core. Core.Intialize() Giving Exception

I am trying to Embed VLc in Winform Application on .net core 3.1 framework. Packages installed are ** LibVLCSharp 3.6.1 LibVLCSharp.WinForms 3.6.1 **

private void PlayerForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var url = typeof(LibVLC).Assembly.Location;
            using(var libvlc = new LibVLC())
                using (var mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer(libvlc))
                var uri = new Uri("C:\\Active Projects\\ScreenPlayerWeb\\ScreenPlayerWeb\\wwwroot\\Videos\\VID_20190621_112556.3gp");
                using var media = new Media(libvlc, uri);
                mediaPlayer.Fullscreen = true;

Core.Initialize() Giving Exception

** LibVLCSharp.Shared.VLCException: 'Failed to load required native libraries. Have you installed the latest LibVLC package from nuget for your target platform? Search paths include C:\Active Projects\ScreenPlayerClient\ScreenPlayerClient\ScreenPlayerClient\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\libvlc\win-x64\libvlc.dll,C:\Active Projects\ScreenPlayerClient\ScreenPlayerClient\ScreenPlayerClient\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\libvlc\win-x64\libvlccore.dll; C:\Active Projects\ScreenPlayerClient\ScreenPlayerClient\ScreenPlayerClient\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\libvlc\win-x64\libvlc.dll,C:\Active Projects\ScreenPlayerClient\ScreenPlayerClient\ScreenPlayerClient\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\libvlc\win-x64\libvlccore.dll; C:\Active Projects\ScreenPlayerClient\ScreenPlayerClient\ScreenPlayerClient\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\libvlc.dll,'


Its searching for wrong file in my devug/netcore3.1 folder there is no file as libvlc.dll ... files avaialble are libvlcsharp.dll, libvlcsharp.winforms.dll and vlc.dotnet.core.dll.

There are answers on stack overflow but most of these are more than 5 years old so cant be referenced to updated versions of LIbVlc and .Net

Help will be highly appriciated.


  • The package doesn't include the actual 'libvlc' as you might expect, its only initialization code in the LibVLCSharp. Ensure you installed the VideoLAN.LibVLC.[YourPlatform] package in your target project. Or download it manually and point towards the folder:

    var libvlc = new LibVLC();
    // Make VideoView control
    VideoView vv = new VideoView();
    vv.MediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer(libvlc);
    vv.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; 
    // Add it to the form
    var uri = new Uri(@"C:\Video.mp4");
    // Use command line options as Options for media playback (
    var media = new Media(libvlc, uri, ":input-repeat=65535");
    //Set fullscreen
    this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None;
    this.Size = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Size;
    this.Location = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Location;