I have created a mutate_v1 function that generates random mutations in a DNA sequence.
def mutate_v1(sequence, mutation_rate):
dna_list = list(sequence)
for i in range(len(sequence)):
r = random.random()
if r < mutation_rate:
mutation_site = random.randint(0, len(dna_list) - 1)
dna_list[mutation_site] = random.choice(list('ATCG'))
return ''.join(dna_list)
If I apply my function to all elements of G0
I get a new generation (G1
) of mutants (a list of mutated sequences).
G1 = [mutate_v1(s,0.01) for s in G0]
How can I repeat my function up to G20 (20 generations)?
I can do it manually like the following
G1 = [mutate_v1(s,0.01) for s in G0]
G2 = [mutate_v1(s,0.01) for s in G1]
G3 = [mutate_v1(s,0.01) for s in G2]
G4 = [mutate_v1(s,0.01) for s in G3]
G5 = [mutate_v1(s,0.01) for s in G4]
G6 = [mutate_v1(s,0.01) for s in G5]
G7 = [mutate_v1(s,0.01) for s in G6]
But I'm sure a for loop would be better. I have tested several codes but without results.
Some one can help please?
Use range to iterate up to the number of generations, and store each generation in a list, each generation is the result of mutating the previous one:
generations = [G0]
for _ in range(20):
previous_generation = generations[-1]
generations.append([mutate_v1(s, 0.01) for s in previous_generation])
# then you can access by index to a generation
print(generations[1]) # access generation 1
print(generations[20]) # access generation 20