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Jupyter themes on Pycharm

when I'm using Jupyter Notebook I use chesterish theme. I was wondering if its possible to have the theme I use on Jupyter also for Pycharm in order to have same theme and colors on both platform.

enter image description here


  • I realize that doing it "by hand" was pretty simple so in the end the result is quite satisfying (on the left the original, on the right my work):

    enter image description here

    Just go to Preferences>Editor>Color Scheme>Python:

    enter image description here

    And for the general theme I use Nord.


    I write down here all the colors that I have set to replicate Chesterish theme:

    for Keyword (ex. def,class,if,else) its 52B3FC

    for Function definition (ex. my_function) its EDD46A

    for Number (ex. 1296) its 57C1ED

    for Operation sign (ex. +,-,:,*) its 52B3FC

    for Text (unicode) (ex. "hi my name is") its 64B987

    for Built-in name (ex. str,len,) its DF7F86