I have a javascript using socket.io.
I would like to convert this javascript file to python:
let nsData = namespaces.map((ns)=>{
return {
img: ns.image,
endpoint: ns.endpoint
// console.log(nsData)
This is what I have in python:
def connect(socket_id, environ):
# ???
On the documentation, it is stated that you just need to either use a return statement or use the .emit() function. https://python-socketio.readthedocs.io/en/latest/server.html#emitting-events As the docs say, you simply need to
sio.emit('nsList', nsData, room=socket_id)
That will emit the nsList
event with the content nsData. However, I do not know what nsData is. It seems to simply be a map statement, which can be done with the map()
function. As GFG states, you simply need to map out the namespaces. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/python-map-function/
Assuming namespaces is a list, you can do something similar to this:
def mapNsData(ns):
return { 'img': ns.image, 'endpoint': ns.endpoint }
Then, use the map function:
nsData = list(map(mapNsData, namespaces))
Tada! Now, you have a list to send to the client!