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recode character to numeric for specific conditions in r

I had an original dataset that looks like this.:

> df.1
     id score
1  13_B     1
2  13_C     4
3 133_D     5
4   141     2
5   145     3
6   143     4
7  12_B     6
8  12_C     7
9  12_D     9

I needed to do some process that needs all the ids numeric therefore I recoded _B|_C|_D into 1|2|3.

After I finished some processed on the dataset having an extra group column, Here is how my sample dataset looks like:

df.2 <- data.frame(id = c("131","132","133", "141", "145", "143", "121","122","123"),
                   score = c(1,4,5,2,3,4,6,7,9),
                   group = c(5,5,5,4,4,4,3,3,3))
> df.2
   id score group
1 131     1     5
2 132     4     5
3 133     5     5
4 141     2     4
5 145     3     4
6 143     4     4
7 121     6     3
8 122     7     3
9 123     9     3

At this point, I need to convert the ids back to the original for those items = c(12,13,15). So 15 is not in this dataset but need something that works globally. My desired output is:

> df.3
     id score group
1  13_B     1     5
2  13_C     4     5
3  13_D     5     5
4   141     2     4
5   145     3     4
6   143     4     4
7  12_B     6     3
8  12_C     7     3
9  12_D     9     3

Any ideas?



  • Use str_replace_all to recode the substring replacement by passing a named vector (setNames)

    df.1 %>% 
       mutate(id1 = as.numeric(str_replace_all(str_replace(id, "^(\\d{2})\\d+_(.*)", 
           "\\1_\\2"),  setNames(as.character(c(1, 2, 3)), c("_B", "_C", "_D")))))


       id   score   id1
    1  13_B     1 131
    2  13_C     4 132
    3 133_D     5 133
    4   141     2 141
    5   145     3 145
    6   143     4 143
    7  12_B     6 121
    8  12_C     7 122
    9  12_D     9 123

    For replacing from 'df.2'

    df.2 %>% 
       mutate(id2 = case_when(substr(id, 1, 2) %in% c(12, 13, 15) ~ 
        str_replace_all(as.character(id), setNames(c("_B", "_C", "_D"),
              str_c(1:3, "$"))), TRUE ~as.character(id)))


       id score group  id2
    1 131     1     5 13_B
    2 132     4     5 13_C
    3 133     5     5 13_D
    4 141     2     4  141
    5 145     3     4  145
    6 143     4     4  143
    7 121     6     3 12_B
    8 122     7     3 12_C
    9 123     9     3 12_D


    df.1 <- structure(list(id = c("13_B", "13_C", "133_D", "141", "145", 
    "143", "12_B", "12_C", "12_D"), score = c(1L, 4L, 5L, 2L, 3L, 
    4L, 6L, 7L, 9L)), row.names = c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", 
    "7", "8", "9"), class = "data.frame")