Search code examples

Advanced search in Javascript

I try to implement a search bar in a project. It should just search for the entries and hide the rows, when the input doesn't match. This is what I did and it's working.

  _searchCalls() {
    let rows = document.querySelector('call-journal').shadowRoot.querySelectorAll('#row')
    let callEntries = document.querySelector('call-journal').shadowRoot.querySelectorAll('call-entry')

    for(let i = 0; callEntries.length > i; i++) {
      let tmp = callEntries[i].shadowRoot.querySelector('.callInfo')
      let entries = tmp.textContent.toLowerCase()

      let dates = callEntries[i].shadowRoot.querySelector('.dateWrapper').textContent

      let userInput = this._getSearchInput().toLowerCase()

      if(!(entries.includes(userInput) || dates.includes(userInput))) {
      } else {

I want to extend the search. So what I write 'Bill Gates' it works, but not when I write 'Gates Bill'. Any help would be much appreciated.


  • Reverse your logic.

    Instead of telling each row to show/hide,
    make each row listen to the change/keyup event on the search box.

    Yes, that means an addEventListener for every row.

    Search: <input type="text" value="foo bar">
    <row-item>qux, baz, foo, bar</row-item>
    <row-item>corge, foo</row-item>
    <row-item>baz, quuz, bar, quux, foo</row-item>
    <row-item>baz, corge, bar, quuz</row-item>
    <row-item>corge, baz, quux</row-item>
    <row-item>baz, corge</row-item>
    <row-item>bar, quux, corge, foo</row-item>
      row-item { display: block }
      customElements.define("row-item", class extends HTMLElement {
        connectedCallback() {
                  .addEventListener("keyup",(evt) => this.match(;
          this.match("foo bar"); // for testing!
        match(search) {
          let findWords = search.trim().split(" ");
          let rowWords  = new Set(this.innerHTML.split(/, /));
          let matched   = => rowWords.has(word))
                                   .filter(Boolean) // remove false values
                                   .length == findWords.length;
 = matched ? "lightgreen" : "lightcoral";