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Routing the message with List Generic payloads using payload-type-router in spring-integration

I'm trying to use the payload-type-router in xml based config of a legacy app and the application neither route to the specific channel nor throw any error at that instance. can we route the message of type List<?> using payload-type-router using XML configuration. I have n't found much examples in the doc as it only mentions routing using Integer, String classes but not with List.

 <int:payload-type-router input-channel="run-router-channel">
        <int:mapping type="" channel="runner-channel"/>
        <int:mapping type="java.util.List" channel="run-channel"/>  <!-- can spring integration support this approach-->

Thanks in advance. What could be the alternatives for this kind of routing in XML ?


  • Yes. We can. I have just modified the unit test in the project to this:

    <payload-type-router id="router" input-channel="routingChannel">
        <mapping type="java.lang.String" channel="channel1" />
        <mapping type="java.lang.Integer" channel="channel2" />
        <mapping type="java.lang.Number[]" channel="channel3" />
        <mapping type="java.lang.Long[]" channel="channel4" />
        <mapping type="java.util.List" channel="channel5" />

    The I do this in the test method: GenericMessage<>(new ArrayList()));
    PollableChannel channel5 = (PollableChannel) context.getBean("channel5");

    Probably something else is going on in your case and that request payload is really not a java.util.List.

    Also router has this logic when it cannot deliver the message to some channel:

        if (!sent) {
            if (this.defaultOutputChannel != null) {
                this.messagingTemplate.send(this.defaultOutputChannel, message);
            else {
                throw new MessageDeliveryException(message, "No channel resolved by router '" + this
                        + "' and no 'defaultOutputChannel' defined.");

    Since I don't see a defaultOutputChannel configuration from your code snippet, that only means a MessageDeliveryException is thrown. If you don't see it in your case, then you swallow it somehow.