Whenever I have the need to design an API in Java, I normally start off by opening up my IDE, and creating the packages, classes and interfaces. The method implementations are all dummy, but the javadocs are detailed.
Is this the best way to go about things? I am beginning to feel that the API documentation should be the first to be churned out - even before the first .java file is written up. This has few advantages:
Are there others who share this opinion? And if so, how do you go about starting off with the API design?
Further, are there any tools out there which might help? Probably even some sort of annotation-based tool which generates documentation and then the skeleton source (kind of like model-to-code generators)? I came across Eclipse PDE API tooling - but this is specific to Eclipse plugin projects. I did not find anything more generic.
For an API (and for many types of problems IMO), a top-down approach for problem partitioning and analysis is the way to go.
However (and this is just my 2c based on my own personal experience, so take it with a grain of salt), focusing on the Javadoc part of it is a good thing to do, but that is still not sufficient, and cannot reliably be the starting point. In fact, that is very implementation oriented. So what happened to the design, the modeling and reasoning that should take place before that (however brief that might be)?
You have to do some sort of modeling to identify the entities (the nouns, roles and verbs) that make up your API. And no matter how "agile" one would like to be, such things cannot be prototyped without having a clear picture of the problem statement (even if it is just a 10K foot view of it.)
The best starting point is to specify what you are trying to implement, or more precisely, what type of problems your API is trying to address. BDD might be of help (more of that below). That is, what is it that your API will provide (datum elements), and to whom, performing what actions (the verbs) and under what conditions (the context). That leads then to identify what entities provide these things and under what roles (interfaces, specifically interfaces with a single, clear role or function, not as catch-all bags of methods). That leads to an analysis on how they are orchestrated together (inheritance, composition, delegation, etc.)
Once you have that, then you might be in a good position to start doing some preliminary Javadoc. Then you can start working on the implementation of those interfaces, of those roles. More Javadoc follows (in addition to other documentation that might not fall within Javadoc .ie. tutorials, how-tos, etc.)
You start your implementation with use cases and verifiable requirements and behavioral descriptions of what each thing should do alone or in collaboration. BDD would be extremely helpful here.
As you work on, you continuously refactor, hopefully by taking some metrics (cyclomatic complexity and some variant of LCOM). These two tell you where you should refactor.
A development of an API should not be inherently different from the development of an application. After all, an API is a utilitarian application for a user (who happens to have a development role.)
As a result, you should not treat API engineering any diferently from general software-intensive application engineering. Use the same practices, tune them according to your needs (which every one who works with software should), and you'll do fine.
Google has been uploading its "Google Tech Talk" video lecture series on youtube for quite some time. One of them is an hour long lecture titled "How To Design A Good API and Why it Matters". You might want to check it out also.
Some links for you that might help:
Google Tech Talk's "Beyond Test Driven Development: Behaviour Driven Development" : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOkHh8zF33o
Behavior Driven Development : http://behaviour-driven.org/
Website Companion to the book "Practical API Design" : http://wiki.apidesign.org/wiki/Main_Page
Going back to the Basics - Structured Design#Cohesion and Coupling : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Structured_Design#Structured_Design