Perhaps following a Unity shader tutorial without any experience in C# wasn't the best idea. :P
Here's the full error:
'int[]' does not contain a definition for 'Select' and no accessible extension method 'Select' accepting a first argument of type 'int[]' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
Below is the full method that the line is in. If anyone could please help me, I would much appreciate it.
private void RebuildMeshObjectBuffers()
_meshObjectsNeedRebuilding = false;
_currentSample = 0;
//Clear lists
// Loop over all objects and gather their data
foreach (RayTracingObject obj in _rayTracingObjects)
Mesh mesh = obj.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().sharedMesh;
// Add vertex data
int firstVertex = _vertices.Count;
// Add index data - if the vertex buffer wasn't empty before, the
// indices need to be offset
int firstIndex = _indices.Count;
var indices = mesh.GetIndices(0);
_indices.AddRange(indices.Select(index => index + firstVertex));
// Add the object itself
_meshObjects.Add(new MeshObject()
localToWorldMatrix = obj.transform.localToWorldMatrix,
indices_offset = firstIndex,
indices_count = indices.Length
CreateComputeBuffer(ref _meshObjectBuffer, _meshObjects, 72);
CreateComputeBuffer(ref _vertexBuffer, _vertices, 12);
CreateComputeBuffer(ref _indexBuffer, _indices, 4);
You want to use .Select
which is a linq function.
returns an array of int for which the .Select() function is not available.
What you can do is convert to a list first:
var indices = mesh.GetIndices(0);
_indices.AddRange(indices.ToList().Select(index => index + firstVertex));
Also see:
Some additional info, it seems you don't need ToList, you were simply missing the import (using System.Linq
As far as i can see .Select()
should be available on int[]
depending on your framework version; e.g.