I have been developing an app using HTML, CSS, and JS, using the App Mode command line argument for Google Chrome. It works nice, but I would like some ability to use the local file system without manual input from the user. That is, if I want a file accessed directly, I want it automatically done, not requiring the user to load the file in.
One option is to disable web security, which I'm not doing because there is a need to use Google Chrome normally. I haven't been able to use a command line argument to create a separate instance of Chrome, either.
I tried working on an HTA, but any attempt to port the code to HTA ends in headaches. Also, it doesn't seem to enjoy the perks that Blink/Webkit grants.
I looked into Electron and other similar platforms, and it requires installing a handful of things, which is a no-go due to the computer setup.
Are there any solutions with a sort of portable app, that can be dropped in a folder with the HTML document (say, labeled index.html or main.html), and upon opening the browser it directly opens that file without having to configure anything? A sort of barebones chromium-based browser that only opens a single file, allowing use of HTML, JS, CSS, along with local file access? Kind of like HTA but modern?
The good news, is that it does exist, but it's not as "out-of-the-box" as HTA.
My team has migrated from HTA to WebView2.
The overall approach is to build a program with the WebView2 browser (you're basically building your own HTA like browser). Your javascript code can communicate back and forth with the program, which in turn has full access to local resources.
WebView2 is the Microsoft Edge Chromium browser, so you're getting the latest web tech and layouts (a big pain for HTA dev.). The program that contains the WebView2 control has full access to local files, scales, printers (without a pop-up dialog).
The approach has all the benefits of HTA (html / javascript programming, local file access, web based deployment, etc.), plus all layout and other benefits of a modern browser.
The program you'll build is very small, especially compared with the HUGE runtime of similar solutions, like Electron.
Rick Strahl has an excellent article on WebView2, and tips for building the program I'm describing. He has great advice on how to build an installer for it, including "Evergreen", which keeps the WebView2 up-to-date with the latest browser tech.
Microsoft's introduction to the technology here. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/webview2/