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temporal error when writing test for workflow that calls child workflow: "unable to find workflow type"

I'm using the golang SDK for temporal. I'm writing a test for my workflow LoadCreateWorkflow. It has one activity and also kicks off a child workflow LoadLifecycleWorkflow.

When writing a unit test for it, I mock out the activity and child workflow LoadLifecycleWorkflow:

    s.env.OnActivity(CreateLoadActivity, mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(nil, nil).Once()
    s.env.OnWorkflow(LoadLifecycleWorkflow, mock.Anything).Return(nil)
    s.env.ExecuteWorkflow(LoadCreateWorkflow, wfParams)

(here s.env is the unit test's TestWorkflowEnvironment):

import (

type UnitTestSuite struct {

    env *testsuite.TestWorkflowEnvironment

func (s *UnitTestSuite) SetupTest() {
    s.env = s.NewTestWorkflowEnvironment()

When running my test I get an error: panic: unable to find workflow type: LoadLifecycleWorkflow. Supported types: [LoadCreateWorkflow]

In my workflow module's init function I register both it and the child workflow:


Why do I get an error that my LoadLifecycleWorkflow is not registered and how do I fix it?


  • The child workflow must be registered to the temporal TestWorkflowEnvironment:


    The test workflow environment is a different environment that is just used for writing tests, so any child workflows you expect your workflow to call in your test should be registered to this.