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Bookmarklet to open a webpage and login

I am trying to create a bookmarklet to open a web page, populate credentials, and click login in one shot. Here is the needed bookmarklets:

For opening a webpage:


For Credentials & login:

javascript:(function(){var d=document;s=d.querySelector;,'input[name*=email]').value='';,'input[name*=pass]').value='SECRETPASSWORDHERE';,'button[id*=login],input[type=button][id*=login],.btn-login').click(); }())

Is it possible to combine both of them considering the asynchronous behavior of opening the web page?


  • You can combine this in one bookmarklet, but you'll have to click it twice. The first click will open a website, and the next one will do the login.

    javascript: (() => {
      const url = '';
      if (location.href !== url) return (location.href = url);
      document.querySelector('input#email').value = 'EMAIL';
      document.querySelector('input#password').value = 'PASSWORD';