I am trying to create a bookmarklet to open a web page, populate credentials, and click login in one shot. Here is the needed bookmarklets:
For opening a webpage:
For Credentials & login:
javascript:(function(){var d=document;s=d.querySelector;s.call(d,'input[name*=email]').value='YOUREMAIL@company.com'; s.call(d,'input[name*=pass]').value='SECRETPASSWORDHERE';s.call(d,'button[id*=login],input[type=button][id*=login],.btn-login').click(); }())
Is it possible to combine both of them considering the asynchronous behavior of opening the web page?
You can combine this in one bookmarklet, but you'll have to click it twice. The first click will open a website, and the next one will do the login.
javascript: (() => {
const url = 'https://stackoverflow.com/users/login';
if (location.href !== url) return (location.href = url);
document.querySelector('input#email').value = 'EMAIL';
document.querySelector('input#password').value = 'PASSWORD';