I am getting the following error when I try to build the Next.js app for production using yarn build
command. But it is working fine in the development server (when using yarn dev
command). I am using react-plotly.js
library for generating plot graphs in this react app.
Use of react-plotly lib:
import Plot from 'react-plotly.js';
<Plot data={[data]} layout={layout} />
Here is the error:
> Build error occurred
ReferenceError: self is not defined
I have researched the issues on plotly.js git repository and google similar problem but seems with no result. Any ideas why Next.js yarn build failed?
Next Js uses server side rendering, due to this a number of libs reliant on native objects (commonly the window object) wont work as expected.
It seems plotly does not work with ssr but there is another component that should https://github.com/aulneau/next.js-with-react-plotly.js