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How to auto redirect to tab in shiny without blocked by chrome by auto clicking link in shiny?

I would like the shiny app to auto redirect to the url in a new tab. I tried to use, but the popup will be blocked by chrome

I also notice if the very first thing after clicking button is not to redirect the link, it will be blocked by chrome:

# it works
actionButton("download", "Download link", onclick ="'');")

# but it will not work
ui <- fluidPage(useShinyjs(),  
                actionButton("download", "Download link"))

server <- function(input, output) {
  observeEvent(input$download, {
  # some functions to generate the link
  ##### Note: it will take ~20s #####
  url <- funs(...) 

  # but lets use SO for now
  url <- ""
  # auto direct to the link in a new tab
  runjs(paste0("'", url, "', '_blank');"))


shinyApp(ui, server)

I may think if there is any way to auto click the link tag below?

tags$a(href = "", "link to google", target = "_blank")


I tried this way:

      'let newTab =;newTab.location.href = "";'

It somehow did not work in shiny: VM238:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'location').


  • It seems like no immediate solution to solve the issue if the auto redirection is not first thing after users click the button. It will be always blocked by chrome. Therefore, I give up auto redirection and have to add pop up box and ask users to click "ok" button.

    # something like below
    ui <- fluidPage(useShinyjs(),  
                    actionButton("download", "Download link"),
    server <- function(input, output) {
      observeEvent(input$download, {
      # some functions to generate the link
      ##### Note: it will take ~20s #####
      url <- funs(...) 
      output$linktext <- renderUI(tags$a(id="link-a", href = url, NULL, target = "_blank"))
      ## initiate fake popbox func to generate popup box
      popbox(inputId = "popup-box", "okay", "cancel")
    observeEvent(input$popup-box, {
      req(input$popup-box == T)