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How to bind data to donut kendo component

I am trying to bind data to donut kendo component. up to now my work is below

js file :-

 function createChart() {
                dataSource: {
                    transport: {
                        read: {
                            url: "/ert.mvc/Summary?id=23",
                            dataType: "json",
                            type: "GET"
                title: {
                    position: "bottom",
                    text: "Share of Internet Population Growth"
                legend: {
                    visible: false
                series: [{
                    data: [{
                        type: "donut",
                        field: "newlyRequested",
                        categoryField: "source",
                        explodeField: "explode"                        },
                            type: "donut",
                            field: "pending",
                            categoryField: "source",
                            explodeField: "explode"                               

                seriesColors: ["#42a7ff", "#666666"],
                tooltip: {
                    visible: true,
                    template: "#= category # (#= #): #= value #%"

My api response like :-

  total: 120,
  pending: 25,
  incomplete: 10,
  newlyRequested: 10

I followed example. but I am getting kendo.all.js:7786 Uncaught TypeError: e.slice is not a function error . my expected result is i want to show donut chart with pending ,incomplete... percentage by total .

any idea please


  • First off, your API response is wrong. It should be an array of objects like so:

      {type: "total", value: 120},
      {type: "pending", value: 25},
      {type: "incomplete", value: 10},
      {type: "newlyRequested", value: 10}

    Based on the above API response, you'll have to change your series configuration. In the end, your donut chart configuration should be something like below:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8"/>
        <title>Kendo UI Snippet</title>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
        <script src=""></script>
        <script src=""></script>
        <div id="chart"></div>
            dataSource: [
              {type: "total", value: 120},
              {type: "pending", value: 25},
              {type: "incomplete", value: 10},
              {type: "newlyRequested", value: 10}
            title: {
              position: "bottom",
              text: "Share of Internet Population Growth"
            legend: {
              visible: false
            series: [{
              type: "donut",
              field: "value",
              categoryField: "type",
            seriesColors: ["#42a7ff", "#666666"],
            tooltip: {
              visible: true,
              template: "#= category # (#= kendo.format('{0:P}', percentage) #): #= value #"
            seriesDefaults: {
              labels: {
                template: "#= category # - #= kendo.format('{0:P}', percentage)#",
                position: "outsideEnd",
                visible: true,
                background: "transparent"

    I've added a series label and modified the tooltip to make the chart look better. You might want to look at more chart examples here.