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Props arguments are not reactive in setup

I'm trying to develop a component that compiles the given html; I succeeded with constant html texts, but I can't make this work with changing html texts.


app.component("dyno-html", {
  props: ["htmlTxt"],
  setup(props) {
    watchEffect(() => {
      console.log(`htmlText is: ` + props.htmlTxt);
      return compile(props.htmlTxt);
    return compile(props.htmlTxt);


  <div class="home">

export default {
  name: "Home",
  components: {},
  data: function() {
    return {
      html: "",
      html2: `<div> Static! <button @click="$emit('buttonclick', $event)">CLICK ME</button></div>`
  mounted() {
    // get the html from somewhere...
    setTimeout(() => {
      this.html = `
          <button @click="$emit('buttonclick', $event)">CLICK ME</button>
    }, 1000);
  methods: {
    onClick(ev) {
      console.log("You clicked me!");
      this.html2 = "<b>Bye Bye!</b>";

Outcome: Outcome

Console: Console output

It seems the changes of htmlText arrives to setup function, but it doesn't affect the compile function!


  • This is the expected behaviour because prop value is read once and results in static render function.

    Prop value should be read inside render function. It can be wrapped with a computed to avoid unneeded compiler calls:

    const textCompRef = computed(() => ({ render: compile(props.htmlTxt) }));
    return () => h(textCompRef.value);