Say I have the following static constexpr
array of c struct:
#include <cstdint>
namespace ns1::ns2 {
struct Person {
char name[32];
uint8_t age;
static constexpr Person PERSONS[] = {
{"Ken", 8},
{"Cat", 27}
How can I access elements in ns1::ns2::PERSONS
in python by using swig?
One way I can think of is to create a accessor like const Person& get(uint32_t index)
in the swig interface file. Tho, I wonder whether there is a more elegant way that I don't have to create an accessor function for each array of c struct.
One way I can think of is to create a accessor like const Person& get(uint32_t index) in the swig interface file.
According to 5.4.5 Arrays in the SWIG documentation, that's the way to do it:
%module test
%include <stdint.i>
%inline %{
#include <cstdint>
namespace ns1::ns2 {
struct Person {
char name[32];
uint8_t age;
static constexpr Person PERSONS[] = {
{"Ken", 8},
{"Cat", 27}
// helper function
const ns1::ns2::Person* Person_get(size_t index) {
if(index < sizeof(ns1::ns2::PERSONS) / sizeof(ns1::ns2::Person)) // protection
return ns1::ns2::PERSONS + index;
return nullptr;
>>> import test
>>> # can only access the first element
>>> test.Person_get(1).name
>>> test.Person_get(2).name
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name'
SWIG can also generate array wrappers for you with 11.2.2 carrays.i, but there is no bounds checking:
%module test
%include <stdint.i>
%inline %{
#include <cstdint>
namespace ns1::ns2 {
struct Person {
char name[32];
uint8_t age;
static constexpr Person PERSONS[] = {
{"Ken", 8},
{"Cat", 27}
%include <carrays.i>
>>> import test
>>> test.arrayPerson_getitem(test.PERSONS,1).name