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How to use a custom SSL certificate with Rancher web UI?

I have a Rancher running inside a Kubernetes cluster. It is installed using helm chart. The Rancher web UI is exposed using an ingress.

There is a DNS record for this ingress in an external DNS: (this is just en example! DNS name)

I have a wildcard TLS certificate that covers *

How to use this TLS certificate for Rancher exposed via ingress?


  • The only workable solution for Rancher with private custom CA certificate is described here

    Solution has 3 steps:

    1. Create the certificate secret resource
    2. Create the CA certificate secret resource
    3. Run the Rancher deployment

    example script

    kubectl create namespace cattle-system
    kubectl -n cattle-system create secret tls tls-rancher-ingress \
      --cert=manifests/certs/tls.crt \
    kubectl -n cattle-system create secret generic tls-ca \
    helm install rancher rancher-latest/rancher \
      --namespace cattle-system \
      --set hostname="rancher.$DOMAIN" \
      --set ingress.tls.source=secret \
      --set replicas=3

    This works as well for an existing cluster, but secrets must be updated and helm deployment must be updated.