In one function, i am checking couple of condition with multiple if else condition. I want to do with using ternary operator to make it single line. I am not able to configure it how to do that
if (!this.$route.params.prdKey) {
this.prodData.prdKey = '';
} else {
this.prodData.prdKey = this.$route.params.prdKey;
if (!this.$route.params.version) {
this.prodData.version = 1;
} else {
this.prodData.version = this.$route.params.version;
this.pageMode = this.$route.params.pageMode;
if (!this.isPrdAvailable) {
} else {
Any other approach is also ok for me. There are in other part where i am using this kind of if-else condition check multiple times. So, i can remove those as well.
You could use two ternary expressions here:
this.prodData.prdKey = this.$route.params.prdKey ? this.$route.params.prdKey : '';
this.prodData.version = this.$route.params.version ? this.$route.params.version : 1;