I have a text and after deleting special characters (!@#$%^&*()-=+`";:'><.?/) and show just letters and numbers (and float numbers like 23.4 ) it returns some extra space
const input : 'this is a signal , entry : 24.30 and side is short';
const text = input.replace(/\.(?!\d)|[^\w.]/g, " ").toUpperCase();
console.log(text.split(" "))
the output :
'THIS', 'IS', 'A',
'SIGNAL', '', '',
'', 'ENTRY', '',
'', '24.30', 'AND',
but I want to be this :
'THIS', 'IS', 'A',
'SIGNAL', 'ENTRY', '24.30',
'AND', 'SIDE', 'IS',
And when I replace spaces and enters with empty string , returns this :
what is the problem of my code?
Instead of replacing, consider matching all the sorts of characters you want to produce the array of words. It looks like you want something like:
const input = 'this is a signal , entry : 24.30 and side is short';
const matches = input.toUpperCase().match(/[\w.]+/g);